When looking at your company online typically you might have a website, maybe a Facebook page, and, if you're a store front, Google probably made a listing on Google Maps (Google+ local page), but why? When the internet started it was the thing to do, right? Definitely! But like all things seem to, the internet has changed.
Companies today are viewed less so as just a website and more so as a "web presence". A company's web presence team consists of your website, social media, local listings, and blogs just like this. But like a sports team your company's web presence team needs to be managed and updated. How do you think athletes make it to the Olympics? It takes years of practice (daily), coaching, and when new equipment or strategies come out that can help enhance your game, they use it!
Building a gold medal web presence online takes time and energy but it can be achieved. 97% of persons online search for a product or service online, out of which I want to know that yours can be found! Skol Marketing has a series of workshop that can help you learn what equipment is available and help coach you on how to make your web presence a gold winner. Visit the Skol Marketing Event page for more details on the workshops available.