Monday, March 24, 2014

The Importance of Video Content

If a picture is worth 1000 words what does that make a video? If done well a video can show who you are and how you can help your customers. Think of that statement, your customers will already know who you are and what you do? I know, sounds great!

Video can do a lot for you and even help you get found online. YouTube is the second largest search engine only to it's owner, Google. You might say that your business is not a video friendly business. If a kid singing Numa Numa is on YouTube you are likely more worthy of it. Think of it this way, if you are not on YouTube you are not connected to the second most searched platform in the world. Your video does not have to be high production quality as long as the message is displayed it will help you get found. So grab your video camera or smart phone and take your first video!

For information on setting up your YouTube page or to get in touch with a "Video Guy" contact me at!


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